Downtown Districts & Grants


Downtowns Studio

Historic District Nominations & Downtown Grantwriting

National Register Historic District Nominations 

A National Register Historic District Nomination is a non-binding designation that allows a community to come together around a shared identity. While the NRHD does not pose any additional regulations on a property owner’s rights, it does open up opportunities for marketing – and even funding rehabilitation in – a downtown.

Speaking as owners and architects, we approach affected building owners to discuss the nature of the designation, as well as its benefits, and gain support for the district. We then conduct the necessary architectural survey and work with local historians to prepare text, including the Statement of Significance.

We work with the State Historic Preservation Office’s “gatekeeper,” throughout this phase. We submit and administer the Draft Application process for securing State and National Register Listing. We have extensive experience with completing the Historic District Tax Credit Incentive program applications, as consultants and as individual building owners.

As architects, we can design rehabilitation solutions for your project that meet the necessary compliance with Secretary for the Interior Standards. We aid building owners in garnering the key tax credits which “make the numbers work,” and which can incentivize generational re-investment in anchor projects. These are also incorporated in the project cost analyses offered in our feasibility studies.

Learn more:

Putting your downtown on the National Register won’t limit your options

Downtown Grants

We have experience with crafting compelling arguments to a variety of funding sources for community revitalization Initiatives. These have included NYMS Grants and Restore NY Grants as well as CDBG, GTC and Quality Communities Grants.

We write and submit comprehensive grant applications, developing necessary initiatives,design solutions and community buy-in as required. Project funding can support a range of goals such as revitalization consulting, downtown rehab and façade work, and municipal spaces that create an intersection between downtown and regional recreation. We can serve as official grant administrators for the purposes of managing funds, paperwork and standards of construction for the successful use of awarded funds.