Revitalization Consulting & Planning


Downtowns Studio

Revitalization Consulting & Strategic Planning

Revitalization Consulting

We provide ongoing services, contracted with not-for-profits and local government, often through partnership with local businesses, county support entities, chambers of commerce, etc. We organize, attend and steer regular meetings to keep initiatives and groups moving forward, energize stakeholders towards action, and identify the appropriate items listed below for execution in your community.

With a flexible scope, this service revolves around galvanizing and organizing the community around downtown, creating advocacy groups and engaging citizens vested in downtown’s revitalization. From Main Street Associations to Downtown Coalitions, with an intensive first year of identifying initiatives and developing leaders followed by continued support of organization and actions over years two and three. Specifics can include public meetings, community charrettes and even a “Staff Architect” to consult with the community’s stakeholders and property owners.

Revitalization Strategic Plan

We bring together the strengths and weaknesses of the community along with the goals and strategies of the newly galvanized Main Street Association / Downtown Coalition to create a planning document. We incorporate measurable, specific deliverables into this comprehensive roadmap for continued revitalization in years 2 through 5 and beyond.

We continue the Revitalization Consulting services noted above, providing oversight on specific initiatives or mentoring your community’s growing downtown advocates and leaders. We can be “on call” on an as-needed basis, or even serve as a “Consulting Staff Architect,” with regular availability

Public Space Planning

A downtown is more than just buildings, it's the space between that counts the most! We work with community members to identify gateways and gathering places, recreational trails and underutilized community assets. We develop design proposals for anchor civic spaces that can build community pride and identity, such as structures and plazas for Farmers’ Markets and Community Events, new pocket parks and improvements to existing public spaces.


"They worked with individuals and existing groups to gather information on what the key issues were and possible solutions. As a result, individuals felt empowered and became part of the process. Many key initiatives have been accomplished, new goals have been set, and the community is energized to move forward."

- Louise Wadsworth - Downtown Coordinator, Livingston County